How Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda?

It’s not necessarily mandatory that kidney problems can only occur due to the excessive intake of junk foods that can easily invade the territories of our kidneys and interferes with their functioning. There also some kidney problems which can occur due to genetic malfunction and passes from parents to the next generation. Polycystic kidney disease is one of that kidney ailment that can be inherited from one generation to another. Polycystic kidney disease is serious renal dysfunction in which your kidneys develop a cluster of round sacs filled with fluid inside the kidneys. Having more than one cyst inside the kidneys’ can obstruct blood flow to your kidneys which can also lead to kidney failure that can also affect your health. The incidence of polycystic kidney disease is around 5% in chronic kidney disease patients requiring a kidney transplant or dialysis to live. Allopathy believes that there’s not any permanent cure for polycystic kidney disease, however, th...